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October 25, 2012

Halloween Costumes

I genuinely LOVE Halloween.
 Every year, my husband and I dress up as something slightly ridiculous. 
Here's some photographic proof from yesteryear.

Sir Bacon & Madame Egg, Halloween 2011
Playing Cops & Robbers with our good friends Sookie & Bill (True Blood, anyone?)
Also, 4 years ago (before we got into doing costume pairings that made sense), Jesse dressed up as Harry Potter (which pretty much made my life) and I, deciding I would go against the grain and not pick a 'cute' costume, decided to be Jesse. Yep. I actually went to a Halloween party dressed in my husbands giant clothes, with a painted on goatee and my hair mashed up in a baseball cap. 
It was DISGUSTING and hilarious. 
And I did not take a single picture. :)

This year (well last month, actually), I was randomly perusing a thrift store and I saw something green and fuzzy poking out of a plastic bag. I opened it and found the most amazing thing ever.
 A little kid's Oscar the Grouch dress. 

Here's me trying it on as soon as I got home....obviously ecstatic with my $3 find!

It's WAY too small, but who really cares?

Not me. Here I am trying to cram the little trashcan-lid-hat onto my giant head.


But now, I have to figure out what Jesse should be. We were both thinking Big Bird. The thought of him wearing a few little yellow feathers on his head and some orange legs has me in stitches. I'm feverishly trying to find a yellow suit/sweatpants/tshirt/shorts/ANYTHING I can featherize as fast as possible. 
And a beak, of course. 
I'm also predicting that yellow spray paint will somehow be involved.

Here's some pics that have me inspired...adjusted for a 6 foot tall man, of course.

and of course, here's the real deal....apparently he met up with da' Rogers at some point.
Way to synergize, Sesame.

Can you tell my husband is a great sport?
 Gotta love a man who's not afraid to shake his tail feathers be the Big Bird to my Oscar..

I'll keep you posted.

~ Virginia

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~ Virginia
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