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July 10, 2013

Instagram Faves & Bathroom Makeovers

18 Beautiful Bathroom Makeovers! Check this out!

Happy Wednesday! 

I'm interrupting our Wednesday 6 schedule to bring you a LiveLoveDIY update, some Instagram favorites, and a little DIY inspiration. We'll pick back up next week, and I can't wait to show you the two gals I have scheduled for this month!

So, let's get started with the updates first!

To make it easier for ya'll to find our past projects, I've updated the 'projects' tab on the blog. 
(Insert virtual high five/chest bump!)
You can click on the projects tab (shown below with the arrow), and it will take you to a list of the top projects on this blog. There were so many I had totally forgotten about, and it was fun to remember all of the stuff I've done in the past year and a half! I'm still working on adding a whole bunch, so check back for more soon!
Click here to take a walk down memory lane, or if you're new you can catch up!

In other you follow LiveLoveDIY on instagram yet? I share tons of delightful daily happenings that never make their way to the blog. So, today I thought I'd take a minute to share a few of my faves from the month so far.

My mom cleaned out her garage today and brought me her set of 1970's craft books. It's probably the best handmedown I've ever received.

I've already cracked open the 'Cosmetics to Egg Decorations' volume, and I cannot express in words. I might just have to share my findings with you.
I mean who doesn't want to hear about beachcombing, cardtricks, carryalls, and egg decorating?

 We recently added a couple of new additions to the kitchen that I will be sharing very soon. While we (and by 'we' I mean 'Jesse') were installing the new additions, the kitchen was a little hectic.
I captured Cheese expressing her love for the kitchen chaos.

I don't know about you, but to me, summer feels like it's almost over before it ever began. It makes me antsy when I start seeing the Trapper Keepers roll out at the grocery store. 
Slow your roll, Lisa Frank.

 Feeling desperate for something fun to do, last Saturday I woke up and said 
'Hey, Jesse. Find something fun for us to do today.' 
Jesse is great at organizing adventures, so I was confident in delegating this task to him. Until I came back out of the bedroom after getting ready and he said, 
'We're going to tour the Bush Bean Factory.' 
And he was serious.

I really though he was kidding. 
Because who on earth tours a bean factory for fun?!
Especially when we started driving and he convinced me to instead go with him to Bass Pro Shop (10 wife points), and then my reward would be a dockside lunch at a nearby marina. So, we went to Bass Pro. And then we went and had a beautiful lunch near the lake. 

And then on the way home..... 
this happened.

That sneaky little bean took me straight to the bean factory.
He was quite pleased with himself.
So, although that has absolutely nothing to do with DIY, I just knew you would enjoy seeing my beautiful bean footage.
I just knew.

Now, it's time for a little DIY inspiration. Have you tried out Hometalk yet? It's kind of like a Pinterest for all things home and garden. You can share your own projects, ask questions to the Hometalk community, and get inspired by fellow DIY-ers! You can even make inspiration boards of projects you love. Hometalk recently asked me to put together a 'Beautiful Bathroom Makeovers' board to share with you. I love a great bathroom makeover, and I know ya'll do, too. It was so hard to choose, but I eventually narrowed it down to the ones I thought were really beautiful, and really approachable. You know, something I could see myself being able to do in my own home. 

So, if you get the chance, hop on over to Hometalk and check out my favorite DIY bathroom makeovers. They totally make me want to add some more color to my bathrooms. 

And that's all, ya'll!!
Thanks so much for stopping by today and listening to my random tidbits!
'Til next time!

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  1. Love the bathroom makeover ideas you put together, Virginia! Also love your cat seeking refuge up on top the kitchen dabinets! LOL We used to have a cat that would do the same thing! :)

    1. Thanks Laura! Yes, she is a funny one! Cats are a special sort, in that they have the ability to seek refuge 400 feet in the air when they are disturbed by something that is SO not disturbing! :)

  2. Did you just reference Lisa Frank trapper keepers? DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?! I love your brain.

    1. HA! And I love YOU for noticing. That did indeed happen. :)

  3. You crack me up girl! Are you going to Haven? We have to meet :-)

    1. I am indeed, Jessica! I'm guessing you are, too?! How exciting!! xo

  4. I LOVE the Lisa Frank comment - and that picture of Cheese might be the funniest thing I've seen in a while. LOVE IT!

    1. Ha! Thank you, Christine! I love knowing ya'll read the fine print! :) And yes, Cheese is seriously awesome. She really can't help it. xo

  5. I just found your blog through have the best DIY tips around!!!

  6. Lisa Frank was the best! That comment brought me back. And that picture of Cheese is in one word, epic! So hilarious. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment!! I do the hammer dance every time I read one.

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